Travel portal and city tours of Dresden
Dresden from A to Z - Guided tours of Dresden in English with your personal tour guide
Military Museum DresdenMuseum Hygiene Health dresden

The museums of Dresden

LatLon-Europe presents all the museums of Dresden. Let yourself be amazed by the quality of its very varied and fascinating museums. Even if we try to keep all information up to date, changes are always possible.

Our partner in Dresden for the guided tours in English can offer you a tour program including one or more museums.
Photos: © MHM/Hufton / © DHMD / Oliver Killig

Collections and Museums of the State of Saxony Pinacotheca "Alte Meister" Green Vault - The Baroque Treasury Pillnitz Castle Museum of Hygiene and Health Military Museum Albertinum Other museums in Dresden

Collections and Museums of the State of Saxony

Collections Museums State Saxony dresden

The collections presented in Dresden (Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden - of the state of Saxony) are among the most famous museums in the world. The various museums present the great masterpieces in an ideal museography. The origin of the museums are the collections acquired over the centuries by the Princes of Saxony and Kings of Poland, especially Augustus the Strong and his son Augustus III. During the visit of the Residence Castle, depending on the time available, you will be able to visit many places, of course the Green Vault (historical and/or new) but also the throne rooms, the Armoury collection, the Turkish Chamber or the coin collection.

You can visit: Green Vault - Old Masters Picture Gallery (Pinacotheca) - Engraving Cabinet - Coin Cabinet - Armoury - Throne Rooms - Porcelain Collection - Mathematical-Physical Salon - Albertinim (modern art) - Sculpture Collection - Museum of Decorative Arts (Pillnitz Castle) - Museum of Saxon Folk Art.

Dresden Guide

musées visite Dresde Visite guidée des musées
Susanne Reichelt vous propose de nombreuses visites guidées de Dresde en français qui vous permettront une découverte complète et captivante de la longue histoire de Dresde. Susanne sera aussi avec plaisir votre guide pour la visite de différents musées présentés sur cette page. Envoyez votre e-mail en précisant la date et le nombre de pariticpants à - Informations et réservation

Pinacotheca "Alte Meister"

museum dresden alte meister masters art raphael

The international reputation of the Pinacotheca "Alte Meister - Old Masters" in Dresden is the result of the committed collecting activity of the Saxon electorate, with an outstanding collection devoted to German and European painting and sculpture up to 1800. You will find masterpieces by Lucas Cranach, Albrecht Dürer, Raphael, Giorgione and Tizian.

Around Raphael's "Sistine Madonna", one of the most popular works of art in the world, visitors can expect a unique journey through European art history, which cannot be retraced in any other German museum as impressively and comprehensively as in Dresden. The museum has been renovated in recent years and welcomes you with a museography that combines the heritage of the place with modern presentation. Photo: © SKD, Oliver Killig

Dresden Guide

Opening hours:
• Tuesday to Sunday 10am-5pm
Tarifs (Zwinger):
• 16 € - 12 € (reduced rate)
• Zwinger, Semperbau, Dresden

The Historic and New Green Vault

Historic New Green Vault dresden museum

The "Green Vault" (Grüne Gewölbe) is the rich collection of objects of all origins acquired over the centuries by the princes and kings of Saxony. Formerly stored under a green vault "The Treasure Room of the House of Wettin", the collection was exhibited from 1729 onwards in nine rooms specially fitted out in the Residence Castle by Agustus the Strong. The objects on display are absolutely impressive and for many unique in the world. Gold, rock crystal and diamonds sparkle in this treasure.

Today, the Green Vault combines the old and the new: while the historic Green Vault allows visitors to immerse themselves in the authentically restored rooms of the Treasury, the New Green Vault shows the individual rooms in the best possible conditions.

Dresden Guide

Opening hours:
• Wednesday to Monday 10am-5pm
Ticket prices:
• 16 € - Children up to 16 years free. Buy your tickets online, especially for the Historic Green Vault.
• Residenzschloss - Taschenberg 2, 01067 Dresden

Pillnitz Castle

castle saxony elbe dresden Pillnitz

Heading east along the Elbe towards Saxon Switzerland, visit the summer castle of the House of Wettin. Situated on the right bank of the Elbe, the castle is a magnificent example of the style of the 18th century Chinoiserie.

The museum: 60,000 objects are in the collections of the Museum of Decorative Arts in Dresden. A collection that allows the history of design over five centuries to be read: pieces from the Middle Ages to the present day, from Germany, the Czech Republic and Poland, but also from Asia and South America are collected here. The spectrum ranges from furniture and textiles, to musical instruments, containers, clocks and dials.

Dresden Guide

Opening hours:
• Tuesday to Sunday 10am-5pm - Closed all year 2025
Ticket prices:
• 8 € - 6 € (Reduced Tariff) - Children up to 16 years free
• August-Böckstiegel-Straße 2, 01326 Dresden

Museum of Hygiene and Health

Museum of Hygiene and Health

The Deutsches Hygiene-Museum sees itself as a public forum for current issues arising from the cultural, political and scientific upheavals of our society at the beginning of the 21st century. In addition to the exhibition programme, the museum hosts numerous events with prominent participants, such as lectures, discussions, readings and symposia. In its popular special exhibitions, the museum addresses themes of culture and society, science and art. Photo: © DHMD / Oliver Killig

Dresden Guide

Opening hours:
• Tuesday to Sunday 10am-6pm
Ticket prices:
• 12 € - 6 € (Reduced Tariff) - Children up to 16 years free
Adresse :
• Lingnerplatz 1, 01069 Dresden

Military Museum

History Military Museum dresden

The former arsenal building from the 19th century was converted from an arsenal to a museum very early on. As early as 1897, the building first housed the collection of the Royal Arsenal and later the Royal Museum of the Saxon Army. In 2011 the museum was reopened after a complete renovation by the American architect Daniel Libeskind. Cutting through the old Arsenal building, the new wedge-shaped building with its light and shadow structures referred to the turbulent German military history. At the same time, the "Libeskind Wedge" thematically resumed the bombing of Dresden on 13 February 1945.

With its collection of more than 1.6 million objects - from field postcards to tank howitzers - the Bundeswehr Military History Museum (MHM) in Dresden is one of the largest military history museums in Europe and one of the four largest history museums in Germany. Photo: © MHM/Hufton

Dresden Guide

Opening hours:
• Thursday to Tuesday 10am-6pm
Ticket prices:
• 5 € / 3 € - Free Monday from 3pm
• Olbrichtpl. 2, 01099 Dresden -


Albertinum Neue Meister modern art

Since its reopening in 2010 in the imposing historic building, visitors can expect to see some of the great names in Romanticism and Contemporary Art in the 5,650 m2 space. For painting from the early 19th century to the present day, the gallery is one of the most comprehensive museums in Germany. Of the 3,000 works in the collection, more than 300 are on display to the public. Especially for works by the German Romantics and Realists, Dresden is one of the most important addresses in the world.

From Caspar David Friedrich to Gerhard Richter: in the Albertinum, masterpieces from the collections of the Galerie Neue Meister and the Skulpturensammlung from 1800 onwards, from Romanticism, Impressionism, Expressionism, New Objectivity and the contemporary period can be contemplated in a single visit. Photo: © SKD, Foto: HC KRASS

Dresden Guide

Opening hours:
• Tuesday to Sunday 10am-5pm
Ticket prices:
• 14 € - 10,50 € (Reduced Tariff)
• Tzschirnerplatz 2, 01067 Dresden

Les visites guidées de Dresde avec Susanne Reichelt

Visites guidées musées Dresde

Des tours guidés thématiques, de musées et à la carte avec votre guide privé

Une visite guidée est le meilleur moyen pour comprendre et apprécier une ville comme Dresde avec sa longue et passionnante histoire ainsi que ses monuments historiques.

Susanne Reichelt vous propose des visites guidées personnalisées et privées de Dresde qui pourront inclure un ou plusieurs musées de Dresde. Pour les groupes et les agences de voyages, elle offre différents services et des tours guidés adaptés à vos besoins.

Informations ici et réservation de votre visite guidée :

Par e-mail à ou au +49 (0)172 370 16 16

Other museums in Dresden

Here is a list of all the other museums in Dresden for all interests and ages. We wish you a nice cultural stay in Dresden. Visit the museum's website for special rates and times for public holidays. Despite regular checks, changes are always possible.

Transport Museum

Augustusstraße 1, 01067 Dresden
Tuesday-Sunday 10am-6pm

Turkish Cabinet

Residenzschloss, Taschenberg 2, Dresden
Wednesday - Monday 10am-5pm

Porcelain Collection

Zwinger, Theaterplatz 1, Dresden
Tuesday-Sunday 11-17h

Coin Cabinet

Residenzschloss, Taschenberg 2, Dresden
Tuesday-Sunday 10am-5pm

Museums of Technology

Junghansstraße 1-3, 01277 Dresden
Tuesday-Sunday 10am-5pm

The Bastions of Dresden

Brühlsche Terrasse, Terrassenufer, 01067 Dresden
Every day 10am-6pm

Museum of Natural History

Palaisplatz 11, 01097 Dresden
Tuesday-Sunday 10am-5pm

Dresden City Museum

Wilsdruffer Str. 2, 01067 Dresden
Tuesday-Sunday 10am-6pm

Museum of Saxon Folk Art

Köpckestraße 1, 01097 Dresden
Friday-Sunday 10am-5pm