About LatLon - Information - New guides?
Have you ever lost your way in the online jungle? If you have been looking for a tourist portal that provides high-quality information or for a complete tourist guide that is nice to view and easy to use? You have found the right place – LatLon-Europe and its local pages have been developed to respond to the needs of individual travelers and tourist groups alike. Companies and schools, professional and leisure associations – they all prefer not to waste time when preparing a travel program! LatLon-Europe provides a detailed overview and comprehensive information about selected city destinations. In short, all you need to make your stay a memorable one.

The concept of LatLon-Europe
We would like to present you with passion and competence, the most charming cities in Europe, be it one of the high places of tourism or small towns waiting to be discovered.
You will find for the 11 cities presented, all the main information for the preparation of your stay; the best museums and monuments, the history of the city, cultural sites and the calendar of the year to make your stay more enjoyable as well as a selection of restaurants and hotels that we recommend. You will also find practical advice for the preparation of your stay. The recommendations are based on the experience of the local tour guides that LatLon has as partners, as LatLon's specialty is offering guided tours that you can order in English. Thus, LatLon is Pascal Jeanrenaud but also a whole team of connoisseurs and ambassadors of their city.
For the guided tours, the great advantage is that you find for each city and language, a professional guide that Pascal knows personally and who is an exclusive partner. The guides present their own guided tours and you contact the guide directly, without any intermediary!
Pascal Jeanrenaud

Swiss by birth, living in Germany since 2003, I am also a certified guide since 2004 and member of the Berlin Guide Association "Berlin Guide e.V.". With the new website (2020) www.latlon-guide.com, this is the third version of my tourism platform that you are discovering and that I hope you will like. It has been designed by myself, with the support of my local guide partners for the selection of the presented places and tips.
LatLon websites
The new website www.latlon-guide.com is adapted to all screens (responsive) and has been optimised in terms of content and clearer layout. It replaces the latlon-europe.com version of the site. You will find here a page with all LatLon partner guides or visit the site only for guided tours: www.the-guided-tours.com
The important work behind the LatLon-guide.com site is financed by the local guides who pay an annual fee for the presentation of their guided tours on the pages of their city's site. Pascal Jeanrenaud lives mainly from his job as a guide in Berlin. An advertising space can also be integrated to the site, more information on request. LatLon is not a travel agency, contact the guides directly.

Behmstr. 65 - 10439 Berlin - Germany
Téléphone: +49/(0)30 440 35 708
Portable: +49/(0)171 123 37 52